18 June 2019

The Sands of Sudan at Legendary Wargames

Looks like the brave Hadendowah and Ansar are in for a tough time of it!

Great to see that Andy Lawson and his dedicated team have gotten Legendary Wargames renovated, pristine and ready for some significant miniatures actions for wargamers who enjoy gaming in the grand manner.

I'm always a massive supporter of folks who take the time and effort to turn their passion into a thriving business for them and a magnificent adventure for the many wargamers who desire gaming on a larger scale. 

For many years the WHC through Peter Gilder, Gerry Elliot, the late great Mike Ingham and now the sensational Mark Freeth have navigated the concept of wargaming "holidays" that are simply spectacular.  Having enjoyed an Austerlitz weekend many years ago up at Scarborough let me assure you, this Australian lad remembers it fondly to this day!

Legendary Wargames has taken up the mantle to game the wonderful Sudan campaigns using the Gilder inspired ""The Sands of Sudan" and the games are looking sensational.  If you are interested in a game or two check them out at their website.

The games look spectacular and  the figures are superb.  Thanks for the support on the rules lads.  The support of the Wargames Holiday Centre and Mark, Dave Docherty and yourselves makes all the difference.

All the best


11 June 2019

The Sands of Sudan rules price increase

Original Peter Gilder Sudan figures acquired from Mr Cornwall many moons ago in a Mayfair Hotel of all places

A quick post folks just to let you know that a fresh short run of rules and cards have just been received from the printers.    The rules are still proving to be very popular with the punters and the positive feedback I receive both via email, on the blog and on the occasional forum I am directed to.

Unfortunately when dealing with printing, more is always better in terms of price per unit.  However, it is unfortunate that I can't justify a print run of 200 plus sets at any particular time for overall cost, storage and logistics.

The new price for the rules has gone up slightly to AUD45.00 a unit plus postage.  This does however include the rules, Quick Reference Sheet and the wonderful Random Event Cards as an inclusive deal.  Let me assure you the rules and their ongoing supply are very much a labor of love and devotion to the rules and my memories of the Gilder games in those wonderful wargames articles all those years ago.

I also know that postage rates around the world are getting more expensive all the time so have tried to keep the price increases very much under control whenever possible.

14 May 2019

Another Docherty and Freeth Sudan spectacular at the WHC

Some of the action from the weekends action.  Photo from Dave's excellent blog "One man and his Brushes"

It is always a thrill to see a great wargame in action.

Since Mark Freeth has taken over the Wargames Holiday Centre and established himself in Basingstoke the games have been so wonderfully promoted on blogs, social media and live video feeds that you are able to "feel" the enjoyment from the lucky fellows that are in the thick of the action on the day.

Over the past weekend Mark Freeth and Dave Docherty (Mr One Man and His Brushes - superb blog!) have put on another spectacular "The Sands of Sudan" weekend with true Peter Gilder style and panache.

When I decided all those years ago to put together the rules and publish them for the first time, it was always to promote the period and the style of "us against the umpire" games which are always so much fun.  It is so pleasing to see the Sudan grow in popularity across the globe in the past five years, whatever the rules being played.  It is such an aesthetically pleasing period and one photographs superbly.

In the UK Dave Docherty has been a driving force in making these games so popular both on the show circuit and at the WHC.  Good man.

You can see so many superb photos here and also, if you do have Facebook, you should search out the Wargames Holiday Centre and follow them and Mark.  You will be so incredibly pleased you did.

26 April 2019

On the workbench waiting to be based

Connoisseur Miniatures Fuzzy Wuzzy Warriors awaiting basing - brave and formidable enemy for the Imperials!

Well for those of you thinking that I am simply ignoring the Sudan for areas of other interest within my wargaming battles you are only partially correct.

I have been very much enjoying the Ancients gaming in recent times as well as some excellent Marlburian Black Powder games and still building up my Napoleonic 1805-07 project for General D'Armee.

However I did take out a few trays of figures recently which are due for basing and readiness for battles down the track...

Some British, maybe even New South Wales battery for some Australian  gunners
Some more Hadendowah cavalry and foot to help add some more bases to the masses
These have been sitting in draws for some time however I'm in the mood to get them based and on the table soon for a few scenario play tests in coming months.

A younger Ben, Mike and Steve push around some lead

Still have a few campaign updates to share in coming weeks as well.

The rules are certainly still available so drop me a line and I can [pass on more details.

All the best