31 March 2016

All is well...

A reprise of the 21st Lancers looking for the enemy..."They're behind you!"

Thanks to those who gave me the advise on being able to rectify the tear in the Sudan plane of existence and revert to exclusively COLONIAL posts on this particular blog.  Thank goodness for you clever folks indeed who helped me open, edit, copy and paste.  I could have sworn I had tried that however...alls well that ends well.

Sudanese X battalion awaits orders

So what better way to celebrate than to post a few photos which may have not been put up on the blog before, or if they have, deserve a second showing.
Despite popular belief the red coats were occasionally STILL trotted out during the Sudan campaigns, often
to impress the enemy troops they were about to fight.  Here some skirmishers get ready to "stick it up 'em".

Jihadinye Rifles take on skirmishing foot from the 28th Bombay Infantry Regiment

On the painting table at present I have the Naval Brigade following a fresh coat of varnish and a tidy up of their basing as well as a few more older Connoisseur Beja "Fuzzy Wuzzies" that looked like they needed a touch up after a few too many rumbles in the desert.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michael - always good to get the boys out and play a game. To be truthful I am well overdue a rumble in the desert!

  2. Lovely stuff! I'm looking forward to seeing the Naval Brigade.

    1. Thank you AJ - Old style Connoisseur Miniatures which in my opinion are just so full of character!

  3. Inspiring stuff Carlo.....it makes me want to head home early and play a game myself.

    1. Thanks very much my old friend Nathan. They do ternd to have the effect of wanting to bring all the "toys" out of the cupboard and enjoy a good stoush.

  4. Great pictures of wonderfull figures. Really nice!
