3 April 2016

Naval Brigade for "The Sands of Sudan"

"Steady lads an don't even think about those apples!"

I have been promising a few shots of the refreshed Connoisseur Naval Brigade for the Sudan and after a few weeks here they are.  These were given a fresh gloss varnish with a few additional details added in, however my attempts to paint in their vessel details on the hat band were futile and, dare I say, amateurish!

Another angle as the lads move through a small village on the plains of Tukar
 A bit of paint added to the bases to match up a little better on the terrain boards and a few tufts for variation were added for good measure.  These lads invariably get quite a bit of action as they do look great on the table and they do need to support those Nordenfelds when they are also in a formation.

These goat herder thinks a three company escort is a pretty good and secure
way to get his livestock to market intact!

As an aside, we do have a bit of fun with these lads whenever they are on the field of battle.  Not far from where we live is located an exclusive girls private school who still wear their boaters as part of their uniform throughout the year.  They look very smart as well may I add.

Whenever these lads tend to not perform at their martial, masculine best we do tend to table them quickly as the PLC Girls on a daytime excursion!

Those "boaters" look pretty good on these lads!


  1. Great to see the navy out in force.. I need to get some more painted up

    1. They are a lovely figure aren't they Dave. Quite a bit of character in those faces! Incredible to think that these sculpts are over thirty years old!

    2. indeed , they still have it - and with the boaters they really have a certain something

    3. i really like the goat herd as well - that is one that really has stood the test of time. -i have one done , but feel need for another!!

  2. Atmospheric pictures and great looking minis, boaters look fantastic!

  3. Great picture! Those sailors are really nice.

    1. Thank you Juan. The sculpts are interesting as the details are sufficient to make it an interesting figure without being "over the top" like a lot of modern figures can be. Less is more in the case of Connoisseur I have found.

  4. Nicely done! I do like the Naval Brigade, they are one of the most colourful units for the Sudan.

    As for boaters, never under-estimate a schoolgirl from a private school. Remember St. Trinians! ;)

    1. Ahhh yes AJK. Those naughty school girls got up to all manner of hijinks.

  5. Your figures and terrain compliment each other Carlo.

  6. Thank you Pat. Still working on a few other bits and pieces however they work do well together when I get right.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Ray. There is a natural charm to the Connoisseur range which I really think has stood the test of time. There horses are still some of the very best you can get your hands on.

    2. Can we have a record for the Naval detachment Machine gun section. In our game, Steve elected to fire 19 rounds and then rolled 20 on the d20. There weren't a lot of happy spearmen left!!

    3. Now that has to be a world record Gerry! Well done that man!

    4. Carlo, I've started the questions on my blog, but you can start them off here for the dialogue as more people may join in?

    5. Will have a good look at them over the weekend Gerry and post up mate.

  8. Good stuff. Its got so bad that I'm even thinking of getting the figures, 10mm of course. I may get silly and do it at 1:4 scale.

    1. That's the spirit mate - do they even make these in 10mm!

  9. How long do you think it might take to get them to supply thousands of figures? Quite an incentive. But Pendraken already do the range, including the paddle steamer! But the Naval MG would be needed and more artillery (which won't be a problem).
    As an aside, how about getting the rule s dialogue going?

    1. Hi Ged - absolutely.

      Sorry mate as I have been flat tack at work. Have been working through the queries and will post it tomorrow mate.
