9 February 2018

Sudan Heliograph team now complete - is it a sign?

Looking for the enemy or simply communicating with the column.

Finally I have managed to get a few hours to devote to a project that has been on the table for quite sometime:  My Redoubt Miniatures Heliograph team.

This will be in use for the forthcoming games and testing out some scenarios etcetera for possible future articles and publications.

Another view of the excellent equipment kit from their often forgotten Sudan range.

These Redoubt Miniatures have been in the collection for many years.  When I say collection I do mean "lead pile" and has painted up very well.  I have based them on an irregular footprint so that they can have a suitably rugged environment to do their vital work in.

The table covering is an excellent desert mat recommended to me by the very clever
Dave Docherty of "One Man and His Brushes" fame.

A nice Connoisseur Miniatures animal handler and mule managed to make their way onto the base as well.

Hopefully these will be on the table very soon.