21 October 2018

The Sands of Sudan at the Wargames Holiday Centre

The wonderful Dave Docherty has certainly one of the best Sudan collections on the planet. Photo borrowed from WHC site - please see the link below.
It has been an age since I posted so please accept my apologies as I have been very, very busy stuff which has kept me away from blogs etc.  All good stuff but busy nevertheless!

A most wonderful thing happened recently.  The very clever Mark Freeth and Dave Docherty decided that it was time that the Sudan returned to its spiritual home at the Waregames Holiday Centre where Peter Gilders games originated (albeit at a different locale).

With their enormous effort, alongside some like minded chums such as Dean Whitehouse etc, they pooled to together some of the finest figures you would ever like to see put on a wonderful weekend of modified "The Sands of Sudan" for a campaign.

How good does that look.  Once again the photo was grabbed from Marks FB site but please visit hi wonderful YouTube channel for some fantastic videos.

Both Mark and Dave did a great job capturing so much of the action and the feel and look of the entire weekend looks simply amazing.  If you want to see more please visit the following wonderful sites:
Firstly the mighty Dave Docherty who is such a wonderful proponent of the period the figures as well as the rules I produced alongside the excellent Blackpowder as well.  You are a star Dave!

Of course the equally sensational and supportive legend that is Mark Freeth.  Great guy, so keen to see the hobby show-cased to the globe and a wonderful host by all accounts.  Check out his wonderful videos here!

Just a reminder that the rules are still available for AUD60.00 including laminated Quick reference sheet, a deck of random event cards and international postage by contacting me at;
